
Who We Are

MiddleTree is a life giving church in Saint Louis that reflects the culture of the communities that surround us. We believe that people are God’s greatest treasure. Our church exists because we want to encounter a powerful, living God who changes and transforms lives. Because of what God is doing in our lives, we are committed to loving, serving, and bringing restoration to those around us. We believe we should make every place better physically and spiritually—starting with our city.

How We Got Our Name

MiddleTree is a play on two themes.

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is central to what we believe. 
He was hanged on a tree between two thieves–The MiddleTree.

“Here they crucified him, and with him two others – one on each side and Jesus in the Middle” John 19:18

Saint Louis is a divided city. Our vision is to bridge the “division”. What would communicate the love of God louder to a racially and socio-economically divided city than a church that truly unites the communities that surround it? MiddleTree is a display of life among the division.

Leadership Team

Brian & Mary Schmidgall

Lead Pastor & MiddleTree Kids Director

Brian and Mary started MiddleTree with a group of 20 people in 2012. As the Lead Pastor, Brian’s primary responsibilities are teaching Scripture, casting vision, and developing the leadership. Mary leads the MiddleTree Kids program. They have called Saint Louis home since 2009 when they moved here with a vision to start this church. An ideal day for them involves a lot of giggles with their four kiddos, laughing with friends, and a casual evening walk.

Kurt Convey

Associate Pastor / Dream Team Director

Kurt joined the MiddleTree team in 2019. He serves as Associate Pastor and oversees our volunteer staff. Kurt and Carla have two sons, Caleb & Kenan, and have called St. Louis home for over 14 years. A perfect day in St. Louis for Kurt would start at one of his favorite independent coffee shops, followed by an afternoon Blues game, an evening of St. Louis jazz, and then a mandatory stop at Ted Drewes

Niya Beverly

Student Ministry & Events Director

Niya joined the MiddleTree team in 2014. She leads our Rooted Student Ministry and Events Team . Niya and her husband Demetrius Beverly have 2 beautiful daughters and reside near University City. They love their weekly Taco Tuesday and having game nights with other families.

Becca Clay

Discipleship Director
Becca joined the MiddleTree team in 2020. As the discipleship director she focuses on cultivating disciple making relationships among those that call MiddleTree home, be that through our community groups or a myriad of other opportunities for intentionality at and around the church. When not hanging around MiddleTree, she enjoys grabbing a soda with friends, catching a show at the Muny, or front porch sitting with her family.

Samuel Fragoza

Music Director

Samuel joined the MiddleTree team at the end of 2020. He was born and raised in Northern CA and has called Missouri home since 2017. His passion is for the arts, spending most of his free time recording, acting, writing and producing. He spends all of his money on trips home to see his nephews and niece.

What We Believe

The BIBLE: The old and new testament is God’s inspired Word to us; a revelation of God to humanity; It is trustworthy and authoritative in regards to our faith and conduct.

GOD: There is only one true God, revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.

JESUS: Jesus is the Son of God, both human and divine, Lord and Savior. Jesus voluntarily paid for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. He rose from the dead and sits at the right hand of God.

HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is a gift given to those who obey God, received through repentance and belief in the name of Jesus. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit is distinct from the experience of the new birth. The nine fruits of the Spirit in Galations 5 are the by-product of a Spirit-Led life and evidence of spiritual maturity.

The FALL and SALVATION of mankind: Though originally good, man willingly chose rebellion towards God; Every person can have restored fellowship with God through ‘salvation’—trusting Jesus, through faith and repentance, to be your personal savior.

CHURCH: The Church is the body of Christ and has a four-fold purpose: To worship God, to evangelize the world, to equip for ministry, and to show compassion.

ORDINANCES: We practice two symbolic ordinances—Water Baptism and Communion.

FINAL JUDGEMENT: There will be a final judgment in which the dead will be resurrected and judged according to their works.

Not What You're Looking For?

If our church is not a fit for you, we suggest these compelling churches in the St Louis area that are Christ centered.